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INR | In Millions except percentages and ratios. Fiscal Year-End March 31.
Income Statement as of 12/31/2024 is reflective of TTM. Balance Sheet as of 09/30/2024 is reflective of Quater-End. Cash Flow Statement as of 09/30/2024 is reflective of TTM.
Normalized EPS represents earnings per share adjusted for income/expenses that are considered irregular, unusual or non-recurring. The adjustment values are usually reported in the notes to financial statements, management, discussion and analysis or as Non-Gaap metrics. This is an analyst-screened datapoint, meaning an analyst is identifying and taking judgment on what should or should not be adjusted.
Fair Value Assessment
Currency in INR.
Price Chart
Bombay Stock Exchange: 531396 | Last close price updated as of Mar 12, 2025, 3:06 PM IST | INR
Morningstar Rating
Close Price
Updated as of Mar 11, 2025.
Fair Value Assessment
Currency in INR.
Not Rated
Any stock that has its price data missing for more than a month (30 calendar days), its rating is removed.
Under Review
For any corporate action* we update the star rating value to the Under Review (6) label for all share classes from T-1 (business days) until the next fair value calculation (Saturday 10 AM CST).
If the QFVP value is out of the expected range of 0.25-4, the model anticipates that the stock has observed some turbulence that would require us to re-evaluate the rating. From this point until the next adjustment of QFVP these are classified as Under Review.
If price data is available in the last 1 month, but older than 7 days, we place the company Under Review.