Fair Value Assessment
Currency in INR. Updated as of Mar 11, 2025.
Price Chart
Bombay Stock Exchange: 540143 | Last close price updated as of Mar 13, 2025, 3:29 PM IST | INR
The data is calculated based on calendar year end value.
Morningstar Rating
Updated as of Mar 14, 2025.
Close Price
Updated as of Mar 13, 2025.
Fair Value Assessment
Currency in INR. Updated as of Mar 11, 2025.
Not Rated
Any stock that has its price data missing for more than a month (30 calendar days), its rating is removed.
Under Review
For any corporate action* we update the star rating value to the Under Review (6) label for all share classes from T-1 (business days) until the next fair value calculation (Saturday 10 AM CST).
If the QFVP value is out of the expected range of 0.25-4, the model anticipates that the stock has observed some turbulence that would require us to re-evaluate the rating. From this point until the next adjustment of QFVP these are classified as Under Review.
If price data is available in the last 1 month, but older than 7 days, we place the company Under Review.